German Bf109 fighter pilot movie:"I Flew for the Führer"; Heinz Knoke diaries PART 1

German Bf109 fighter pilot movie:"I Flew for the Führer"; Heinz Knoke diaries PART 1

This movie is a visualization of 3 days in 1943 with script directly from the book written by Heinz Knoke. I used compositing with computer graphics from IL2 as basis but added humans and real world photographs to create the final film imaging
I can't believe I made my bf feel unwanted , that's the last thing I ever wanted to do to him...


スティーブ・ハリスのベースかっこええ。 Spitfire vs Bf-109 がネタの歌

RT @MoneyLane_DJ: Man quanna felt dat tip she was no omg no she chill ot she told bot 109 excuses oh my brother I mean my bf. I mean it hurt

Man quanna felt dat tip she was no omg no she chill ot she told bot 109 excuses oh my brother I mean my bf. I mean it hurt

Attention : il ne reste plus que 2 Spitfire XL Retract ARF au prix plancher de 229€ ! Les P-51 et BF-109 de la même série sont épuisés !

Bf 109 の最新情報!

Bf 109 最新動画

Bf 109 関連情報

↓Bf 109 の最新情報↓
Bf 109 ニュース
Bf 109 ウェブ

Memories Off After Rain
