How to groom your Shih Tzu dog in a short shaved body & fluffy legs hairstyle

How to groom your Shih Tzu dog in a short shaved body & fluffy legs hairstyle

I have had a few requests on describing how I do the haircut that I often use with my tiny Shih Tzus. It is sometimes referred to as the lamb cut or Cocker style haircut with a teddy bear face, fluffy legs, & long tail. The top knot can be left long or trimmed short for the look your wanting with your dog. I am by no means a professional groomer & everything that I am showing in this video are what I have learned with trial & error. Thanks for watching Fairy Tail Shih Tzu video & happy grooming! :)
Huhuhuhhu. Maissy is dead. -____- cuddly shih tzu died. :3

need a little shih-tzu in my life

i really really hope we do get that shih tzu.

RT @Duniaduni: @LoKitaFlore Yorkshire, Pomerania, Papillon, Bichón Frise ,Boston Terrier, Carlino,Shih Tzu,Caniche Toy,Bulldog Francés

Found a miniature shih tzu that I need to have

@onlyontuesdays1 shih tzu!

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