RAJIE グッドバイ・トランスファー

RAJIE グッドバイ・トランスファー

from the album RELIEF in '84 music / kingo hamada lyrics / kazuko kobayashi arrange / top stone
@SoCallMeRajie jajaja rajie may num ka ni yuki

@SoEasy_ lol yes did travi and then milkshake. You can have Islam and milkshake :) where you been bra? Campus no see you :/

@rajie91 Lmao you a dramatic lil boy, I have no idea what I owe you. Give me a hint? And don't even say spur

Mornings with songs by @Blink182, @AngelsandAirwaves, @LinkinPark and @Metallica #FeelingForGuitar&DrumsToday :)

@Zayd_Rajie words cannot describe what you owe me now.. Just remember you owe me ne!!

@Theisrarway lol ye I'll organise asap. Maybe this weekend? If everyone is free and stuff? Its up to adam and his "wife" :/

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Jak X
