Vehicle Force Voltron Defender of the Universe - Eps 1 / Part 1 of 2

Vehicle Force Voltron Defender of the Universe - Eps 1 / Part 1 of 2

VEHICLE FORCE VOLTRON Vehicle Voltron is Voltron of the Near Universe Lion Force Voltron is Voltron of the Far Universe Vehicle Force Voltron team consisted of fifteen members, who were divided into three teams of five, known respectively as the Land, Sea, and Air Teams. Each team was specialized in gathering data or fighting in their area of expertise. Each team could also combine their vehicles into a bigger machine, with each combined vehicle differing amongst the three teams . These fighters were. * The Aqua Fighter (Sea Team) * The Turbo Terrain Fighter (Land Team) * The Strato Fighter (Air Team) Lion Force Voltron featured a team of five young pilots commanding five robot lions which could be combined to form Voltron. In this undefined future era, the Voltron Force was in charge of protecting the planet Arus (ruled by Princess Allura) from the evil King Zarkon (from planet Doom), his son Lotor, and the witch Haggar, who would create huge Robeasts to terrorize the people of Arus.

RT @BOT_MURAKAMI: 「ダイラガーXV」の15台という数は、ひとつのロボットをパーツにしたらどれくらいに分けられるかと考えてみたところ15台になった、というところからきています。

【線結び】次のロボットアニメと主題歌の正しい組み合わせを選びなさい 【答】機甲艦隊ダイラガーXV⇔銀河の青春 巨神ゴーグ⇔輝く瞳 機甲創世記モスピーダ⇔失われた伝説をもとめて

【並べ替え】1982年放送のロボットアニメ『機甲艦隊ダイラガーXV』でダイラガーが戦うのは? 【答】ガルベストン帝国


たくさんの乗り物が合体して一つのロボに 例:ダイラガーⅩⅤ #萌えるではなく燃えるシチュエーションに同意ならRT

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