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Gretsch G6136STL Silver Falcon

Gretsch G6136STL Silver Falcon

This video is bonus content related to the Holiday 2011issue of Guitar World. For full print reviews, lesson tabs and more, look for the Holiday 2011 issue of Guitar World on newsstands now, or purchase this issue in our online store here: secure.nps1.net In the following video, Guitar World's Paul Riario reviews the Gretsch G6136STL Silver Falcon.
RT @asda_maq: Played a Gretsch Duo Jet at @dawsonsmusic today. Possibly one of the greatest moments of my life

“@mikekimTV: I love my @Gretsch White Falcon. If I’m apart from it more than just a few days, I start dreaming about it.” Agreed

Aku ade , gretsch white falcon. Hihi RT @FadliHabie: siapa yang punya gitar ya :/

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