Lineage 2 Freya New Weapons
Some new weapons for Freya new update l2 2010 2011 lineage team ncsoft UPDATE UPDATE

FBI releases Russian spy surveillance videos
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has released surveillance videos of some of the Russian spies arrested last year in the US. Using spy tools like invisible ink and hidden messages in online photos, the bureau's investigators built up a detailed file of the spies as they passed information and money. But some intelligence officials worry the documents could give too much away and alert would-be culprits of tell-tale signs they are being watched. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports from Washington.

千葉県最初の「恋人の聖地・石のまち 金谷」でモニュメント公開
「恋人の聖地」として千葉県で最初に認定を受けた「石のまち金谷」で、2010年4月18日(日)にモニュメントの公開式典が行われました。 恋人の聖地選考委員の桂由美さんや地域選出の衆議院議員や千葉県議会議員、富津市長などによるテープカットの後、桂由美さんより、銘板と選定書が手渡されました。 千葉県内では「石のまち金谷」のほか「京成バラ園」や木更津市の「中の島大橋」が選ばれています。

JFL Hidden Camera Pranks & Gags: Huge Red Flag
Some revolution leaders were mere ordinary citizens just minutes before they are asked to carry a big red flag for their country and lead a mob against... some guys in riot police gear. ... Probably sometimes, maybe not really actually. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags Visit us at www.hahaha.com Friend us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com