F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster

F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster

In Washington you have the power when you pay to play. And it's hard not to notice the power of lobbyists in this town. When money isn't there, the projects funded by that money go away as well. So, why in fact are some of the projects going forward and others being derailed? Michael O'Brien, a former contractor for the Department of Defence in Iraq, brings his take on the matter. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

Temperature: 96°F / 35°C | Humidity: 30% | Pressure: 29.55in / 1000hPa (Falling) | Conditions: Scattered Clouds | Wind Direction: ESE...

@Muggur Nu o sa ajunga sa-l mai foloseasca in lupta, nu o sa-l exporte, o sa ramana istorie. O sa mearga falnici inainte cu F-35.

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