A3 Jenkz | Call Of Duty 2 Montage #1

A3 Jenkz | Call Of Duty 2 Montage #1

Here's A3 Jenkz's Cod2 Montage. A very nice video here edited by A3 Gazm. High standard clips for a low in numbered game. Remember that on average there are about 4 players in a lobby so to get 3 feeds as he does is pretty sick! There's more content to come from Jenkzy in the near future. Like A 2nd one of these which he has clips for right now! Also thanks to Gazm for editing this episode, really nice chilled out edit as Jenkz wanted, and such a good editor. Check their links out below and enjoy! A3 Jenkz (Player) : www.youtube.com A3 Gazm (Editor) : www.youtube.com _________________________________________________________ Remember to follow Team A3 on twitter: twitter.com
@Stern_himmels ほかありwwwwwww

@scfy62cdss やばいよね、大好き!

@kobuwaka 結構ためになるよ( *`ω´) 私火木ひまだよー!いついく?(^_^)勉強勉強♪♪

RT @Alglb_al7no0on: أجمل هديه يمكن أن تهديهآ إلى شخص تحبه هي وقتك . . ! لأنك تعطييه شيء لآ يمكن أن تسترجعه ♡

RT @Alglb_al7no0on: إذآ حرمتک ا̄ﻟح̵يإھﮧ̵ ..!! ﻣن ﻣن ﺗح̵ب ♡ فَ لآ ترمي ﻧفسکكَ ﻓي ..! ﺂحضان ﻣن لآ ﯾﺳﺗح̵ق

@148m_a3 とりあえず身体論起こして(笑)

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