フローリング貼り 船橋市 リフォーム コモドホームの施工事例
こちらは大工さんがフローリングを貼っているようすです。 千葉県のリフォームでしたら、コモドホームへお任せ下さい。 www.comodohome.net

F100 Super Sabres in Germany, F-102 test 1956
1956 - F-100's delivered to Germany, F-102A missile test

Lounge Lizard EP3 - The Best "Virtual" Piano Rhodes
Hi guys!!! :) I wanted share with all You this great Virtual Instrument that can emulate the legendary "Fender Rhodes" piano with such precision... ... this vst can be "sounds" too metter but I'm not an expert with settings, I don't have a real "Fender Rhodes"... damn it.. xD The audio track that You listen is just my little "shredding" and searchin' atmosphere for a bit... I don't like "try, try, and re-try" a good phrase to upload, I'm a "first one" musician... Jon Lord, storical Deep Purple organist, "teach me" this truesness; That is the way to "improvise", first one, mistakes included!! ;) (because that moment, THAT MOMENT is really important, after is yet lost) I hope that my little DEMO can suggest many musicians to "check" this software to "taste" in their hands and "free"... xD OF COURSE, the "real thing", the real Fender Rhodes is the original, nothing can sound like "Him"!!! but for quickly fun I think this little software is the best!!! Enjoy and keep on Your music, thanks at all!!! :))) PS Very soon I'll upload other Deep Purple stuff "tributed" by me... ^-^

ISE 2012: AOpen Shows Cool Digital Signage Quick Food Service Solution
ISE 2012: AOpen Shows Cool Digital Signage Quick Food Service Solution