【Steve Jobs 1955-2011】iSad 賈伯斯逝世DEAD 1955-2011【RIP】
【Steve Jobs 1955-2011】iSad 賈伯斯逝世DEAD 1955-2011【RIP】 創意巨人.改變世界2011年10月07日【綜合報導】賈伯斯走了!全球蘋果迷心中的神、被譽為「改變世界」的科技天才賈伯斯,昨驚傳在美西時間周三逝世,年僅56歲。他的死訊頓時成了全球媒體、網路上的最熱門話題,台灣許多民眾聞此噩耗,不敢置信。他一手創立的蘋果公司盛讚他讓世界變得更美好,公司總部降半旗致哀,全球名人齊聲哀悼這位「最偉大的發明家」,視他為偶像的蘋果迷深感惋惜,將下周五定為「賈伯斯日」。 蘋果公司發布前執行長賈伯斯的死訊,但未提死因,家族友人透露,他死於胰臟癌併發症。蘋果聲明稱:「史提夫賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)今天撒手人寰。史提夫的睿智、熱情與活力創造出無數創新,豐富並改善我們所有人的生活。這個世界因為史提夫而變得無限美好。」他創造的蘋果電腦、iPod、iPhone帶動一波波革命,也使他身家累積近2544億元台幣。但他的遺產處理方式昨並未公布。 家人陪伴安詳離世蘋果官網首頁換成賈伯斯的黑白照,寫著:「Steve Jobs 1955-2011」。連和蘋果競爭的網路巨擘Google,也在搜尋首頁打上他的訃聞。美國總統歐巴馬說:「賈伯斯是美國最偉大的創新者之一,敢於思考與眾不同,大膽到足以相信自己可以改變世界,聰明得足以做到這一點。 自1980年代就認識賈伯斯的雅虎前執行長巴茲(Carol Bartz)則說:「賈伯斯是十分特別的人,要取悅眾人相當容易,但他總是堅守自己的原則。」日本軟體銀行創辦人孫正義也讚他是當代天才,與達文西一樣會被世人銘記於心。 賈伯斯的家人聲明指,他在家人陪伴下「安詳」逝世。賈伯斯長年對抗胰臟癌,2004年動手術治療,但2009年進行肝臟移植,被認為是他抗癌沒有結束的凶兆。他的病情極度保密,《紐約時報》引述他家族友人的話指,他是死於胰臟癌併發症。 粉絲約定賈伯斯日他的死訊 ...
the jacks [ジャックス] - vacant world [からっぽの世界]
Jacks were a 1960s Japanese psychedelic rock group who released their most well known studio album Vacant World (or 'Jacks No Sekai' in Japanese) in 1968. The Jacks, originally known as Nightingale, began their career in 1966 as a folk trio. After jazz drummer Takasuke Kida joined the group they headed into a new musical direction. Vacant World is widely seen as one of the most important Japanese albums. The song 'Vacant World' (or 'Karappo no Sekai' in Japanese) was famously banned from Japanese airwaves due to lyrical content. The Jacks' musical legacy has carried on in Japan despite the fact that their career was quite short, disbanding shortly after the release of their second studio album Super Session (or 'No Kiseki' in Japanese). Members * Yoshio Hayakawa vocals, rhythm guitar * Haruo Mizuhashi lead guitar, vocals * Hitoshi Tanino Fender bass, upright bass * Takasuke Kida drums, flute, vibraphone After the break up of Jacks, singer Yoshio Hayakawa released one acclaimed solo album before retiring from music, only to reemerge again as a solo artist during the 1990s. Drummer Takasuke Kida died in a car accident in 1980. en.wikipedia.org