XY - I miss you
Buy the album: itunes.apple.com solos tab: www.guitaretab.com www.facebook.com www.xyrock.net Production exécutive GV PRODUCTION Réalisé par Guillaume Voiturier Chef opérateur: Jean Garacci Directeurs photo: Jean Garacci, Guillaume Voiturier Assistants: Jordan Stupnicki, Guillaume Pasquier Comédiens: Julie Roblet, Pierre-Frank Muller. "I miss you" lyrics: (by JL Ducroiset) It's raining this afternoon, we haven't talked for 10 days... You called me this afternoon and you left me a message: "Please answer me... you know that I can't hold on without you! This feeling is nothing new, but my heart is bleeding bad..." 'Cause I was afraid that nothing would change, I turned my back on you and drowned myself in lies. Now I know you were the best thing I've had. I let you go away and that's the worst thing I've done. Now I am missing you so much. Am I awake? I am dying down here, alone. God, I want her back! Now I am missing you so much. Am I awake? They were lies! I walk along this avenue where we met, do you remember? It's my first time here without you, and it has never been so dark. I wish you could hear me say: Forgive me 'cause I was afraid, I really thought that nothing would change, so I lied I turned my back on you, now I know that I am missing you so much. Am I awake? I am dying down here, alone. God, I want her back! Now I am missing you so much Am I awake? They were lies! I still love you... It's raining this afternoon, I'm watching the news on channel Five: "A sad ...

Blue | Ep. 1 of 12 | Feat. Julia Stiles | WIGS
Over 18 and logged into YouTube? Click here to watch the "Director's Cut" of Blue -- Episode 1: full.sc Subscribe to WIGS on YouTube today! full.sc "Blue": Episode 1 of 12 -- "Mom": Blue's secret life threatens to collide with her life as a mom when she gets a phone call from her son. ...