Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize (Ao vivo DVD) - parte 1a

Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize (Ao vivo DVD) - parte 1a

see Pure Narcotic with drums www.youtube.com DVD - Anesthetize parte 2 www.youtube.com
RT @_VIPaul: #MentionSomethingAboutYourself I love Pink Floyd and Porcupine tree.

RT @_VIPaul: #MentionSomethingAboutYourself I love Pink Floyd and Porcupine tree.

@taszanetti Ouço Steven Wilson, Flower Kings, Pain Of Salvation, Porcupine Tree, grandes bandas q pouquíssima gente conhece, prcplmnt no Br

反抗期の娘と酔っ払いのヨメに腹が立ったので早々にフテ寝します(−_−#)。今夜予定してたコトは明日に持ち越しです。ちなみにBGMは、PORCUPINE TREEの「THE INSIDENT」。おやすみなさい&すんません…(−_−#)zzZ

おにちゃんは、Porcupine Tree "Deadwing [BonusTrack]" を聴いてます。#NowPlaying

Antes me despertaba con canciones suaveciiiiitas como alarma. (Sentimental - Porcupine Tree, Everloving - Moby)

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