Pixies - Here Comes Your Man

Pixies - Here Comes Your Man

The Pixies performing Here Comes Your Man live at Brixton Academy 06/10/09
Me poppy and a boy called george where all holding hands in a circle last night and dancing like pixies

死ぬまでにもう一度観たいバンド。大好き、愛してる。もうなんと言ったら良いか。どうやって生きてったらいいのかわかんなくなるぐらいドキドキする。 #nowplaying Havalina by Pixies, via @Osfoora

The Pixies are my best musical companion when the internet decides to boycott me.

♫Caribou - Pixies

I swear @rackspace cloud VMs are hand crafted from bare metal by a team of pixies. At least that'd explain why they take so long to build…

And yeah, tonight on radio #memoricide — weird playlist. From #Pixies/#Kazzer thru #RHCP to #KingCrimson and #TheWho. #20thCenturyMix

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遙かなる時空の中で 盤上遊戯
