Yes! プリキュア5変身
大いなる希望の力、キュア·ドリーム! (The great power of hope, Curedream!) 情熱の赤い炎、キュア·ルージュ! (The red passionate flame, Curerouge!) はじけるレモンの香り、キュアレモネード! (The sweet scent of lemons, Curelemonade!) 安らぎの緑の大地、キュアミント! (Tranquility of the green earth, Cureminto!) 知性の青き泉、キュアアクア! (Blue spring of wisdom, Cureaqua!)
Snow Patrol - Open your eyes
A music video i had to do for my video 1 class. it's to the song "open your eyes" by Snow Patrol. it's my first MV and i've wanted to do one for quite some time.